What is High-Functioning Mental Illness?
In life, some people really appear to have their stuff together. They have looks, are fit, and appear to be physically and mentally healthy. We might even describe these people as having “perfect lives.”
In the movie, I Am Sam, there’s a scene that stuck with me for years. Sam, the main character has intellectual disabilities and is working with a very powerful lawyer to regain custody of his daughter. In one scene, Sam breaks down about how she doesn’t understand what it’s like to be like him because she’s “perfect.” She gets quite upset with him and eventually breaks down about her personal life and how bad she feels about herself.
Although fictional, this issue is a reality. Education, career, and financial achievements hide the truth. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve met who appear to have it all” but struggle so badly with mental health or addiction. High-functioning mental illness is real. It doesn’t always look like homelessness, unemployment, or laying in the bed all day. As a society, we need to understand everyone deserves validation. A good conversation is key to positive change.
Check on the superstars of life, the people who don’t miss a beat. Rethink “white picket fence trauma.”(Understand that traumatic experiences happen to the rich and powerful too). Realize that addiction doesn’t just impact people in poverty.
We have to have a better understanding of this in the workplace. We cannot allow people to suffer in silence just because they can get up, go to work, and achieve. This is a harmful outlook that encourages stigma and invalidates people’s struggles. Check up on the top performers in your circle- you never know what anyone is going through.